22. The pension committee must publish the notice required by section 207.4 of the Act which also applies, with the necessary modifications, to withdrawals.
The notice published must also invite persons who believe they have rights in the pension plan allowing them to opt for a pension paid by Retraite Québec under section of the Act to take part in the information session held by Retraite Québec, and indicate the place and date of the session, or to request that Retraite Québec hold such a session, and must indicate the time in which the request must be made.
The pension committee must ensure that the publication takes place at least 5 days before the information session is to be held or the expiry of the time for requesting the session.
O.C. 863-2010, s. 22; 426-2019O.C. 426-2019, s. 121.